Week 12
A new AI software
engineer called Devin has been made. You can ask it to develop any piece of
software, and even just link to a some web page, and ask it to implement stuff
based on that.
Looking at the
Youtube comments from the announcement videos people asked if it could just be
asked to make a better version of itself. Right now it probably can't but it is
based on GPT-4, and can be switched out with a better LLM when that is
Having a software
engineer is one part, but a neccesary one, of the super intelligent AI I have
described previously. Also, the Figure 01 robot has made progress and this is
also based on a multi modal LLM.
video describing the progress is in this video:
AI Agents Take the Wheel:
Devin, SIMA, Figure 01 and The Future of Jobs - YouTube
The point of the
video is that everything is based on LLM, and when an LLM improves everything
improves. The CEO of Devin says that right now the tool is more expensive in
ressources than having an actual software engineer. But everything improves -
computation speed, and better algorithms. So what will probably happen is that
fast and cheap LLMs will be used for the bulk of calculations, and the more
expensive LLMs will be used as needed. The ceiling for how smart an LLM can get
has not been reached, and a really big LLM used when a spark of genious is
needed can probably be made.
In the Devin
announcement video another user commented that if we actually have AGI we can
just ask it to make a monthly payment. I have previously written that
you can just ask the AGI to help you have a good life. And one thing it will
probably just tell you, is that you should have sufficient money.
And it is of course
also possible for an AGI to earn money - but some things needs to be clarified:
- What are your
assets? Even an AGI can not make money out of nothing.
- Pollution
- As described in a previously blog post, you can destroy
the world in different degrees, so how much do you want to do it while
making money?
- Risk
- Timing - when
do you want to start to get money and how much
If we look at stuff
a little bit more high level, the reason you want money is to be able to buy
things. But what if you could build those things your self?
Lets say you want to
eat a nice spaghetti Bolognese for dinner. When you sit at the table and eat,
the meal has reached its final destination and gives value. Before that it is
just on the way to give value.
So you could own a
field where you could have a robot sowing, taking care of livestock. The robots
would then also harvest to feed to the animals, and prepare the animals when
ready. When all the ingredients are ready, the dinner can be prepared.
So you need to own a
lot of resources, and you need to have a way to improve said resources, until
they are at the final result on the dinner plate.
If we look at
investments at a high level we only have two things we can invest in -
ownership of some resource and transformation of a resource to a higher value.
What describes what
a higher value is, is what gives value to a consumer. So an AGI that makes
money is very simple:
Find out what
consumers want to buy. Look at all the resources and transformations that goes
into producing that, and invest where there is the highest return of investment
- taking into account how the investment should be made according to the
One of the important
things was the timing - when do you want a return of your investment. You could
invest in something that creates immediate value, or you can do long term
investments. Or in other words - you can invest in a machine makes value to the
consumer, or you can invest in machine that make more machines.
Another important
aspect is the price of AGI. It is very expensive to run, and that should be
taken into account.
So to keep cost down
investors have to pool resources. Which means we will have investments
companies using and expensive AI and the investors using a cheap AI to choose
the investment company.
In general AI will
always be chained like that - and inexpensive AI using a more expensive AI,
which could then use an even more expensive AI.
This chain will also
help to move risk close to the investor. The closer the risk is to the
investor, the less overhead there is. An example could be some company that
needs a bank loan to build a machine. In that case the bank needs to get money
from users, then evaluate the company and taking some risk that the company
could go bankrupt. The company also takes some risk that the idea won't pan
So the risk for the
user is very low, and gets almost no money. The risk for the bank is medium,
and will get some small fixed percentage. And only if the company defaults, it
will not get any money.
What if the investor
could instead invest directly in the company and the money invested would give
ownership to resources and machines - then the risk would be at the investor,
and also the profit.
This would mean the
investor would need to do the calculations for what the company should do - but
that is what these chains of AI will do for the investor. Using a cheap AI to
do pay some small part of an expensive AI, that can tell you what you should
invest in and keep the risk as close to the investor as possible.
A lot of places
predict that a lot of jobs will be lost to AI. And this
is definitely true, since the cost of AI automation is so much lower
than human labour, that it will not be worth while for humans to try to
compete. On the other hands tons of jobs require a humans or have much more
value when done by a human.
Everything social -
taking care of kids and elders. Sports competitions. Social events.
And then there are
all the creative outputs. A painting or vase made by a human is more valuable,
since you know that it is the case. On the other hand, create outputs made from
AI is also valuable, so the consumer might not care if it is made by a human
and not.
So humans will only
do these type of jobs, and we will still be able to have a very fulfilling
The big problem with
this is that since all consumers will be doing these type of jobs, which is a
closed economic loop. If everybody is barber who will then provide the food?
Fundamental democracy
We can look at how a person can have power. The body can
directly manipulate things, we can think things through, we have memory and we
have our biometric signature.
By using these elements and individual can wields he or hers
power. A thought experiment could be that we had a simulation that could
perfectly simulate what would happen if everybody would wield their power to
the max. Then it would be possible who would come out on top, and instead of
actually doing the power struggle, everybody would accept the end result and
distribute wealth accordingly.
An example is that the US had to drop two nuclear bombs on the
japanese populations, to end the second world war. If they only had dropped
one, people could argue that they instead could just have exploded the bomb
without any loss of life, and it would have been enough to convince the Japanese
to surrender.
But what if the Japan had an AI they trusted and could understand
that they had a loosing position. Then maybe there would not have been a need
to drop the bombs on civilians?
Doing a perfect simulation is of course not possible, and
even if it were, it would not be possible, since the participants would have to
give up secret information. Which would then mean that they would lose power.
So the idea with fundamental democracy is to simplify the
simulation, so the power of individual is taken into account, secrecy is maintained
and the calculations are cheaper.
To do this we start out with assuming that everybodys power
is the same. This make sense, since when fundamental democracy is implemented,
that will be the case. We can see this in places where democracy is implemented
– the state is the strongest actor, and people who can vote have approximately
the same power.
With that assumptions, we can have secrecy. We just need to
have a system where each person can post information anonymously with an ID,
and make sure a person only can have one ID.
We then need to figure out a way that everybody agrees to
the same law. This can be done in the following way:
Each person marks the laws that they can accept. A person
can at any time change which he/she accepts. The law with the most people
accepting is the active law, that everybody should follow.
This does give a problem that people will change what law
they accept, depending on law other people accepts.
It is just like if you ask some kid in a kindergarten if
they want to go swimming or to the playground, and they say they will go to
what their friend will do. And the friend says he will do what the other one
will do.
The solution is that each person also have a description for
each law for the circumstances it will be accepted under. The circumstances only
relates to what laws will be accepted.
One things that should be clarified is what happens if a
person have not accepted the active law. In that case the person is against the
law. In simplified terms you could say that from the point of view of people
that have accepted the law, they are seen as terrorist. And from the point of
view of people who have not accepted the law they are freedom fighters.
An optimization to the system is that each person can also
write on a law a description for a change, that would make him/her accept it.
This is a hint on how a new law can be made, that even more people can accept. And
also a way to improve existing laws, by removing accepting of a worse law, and then
accepting a better law.
Al of this could be done without AI, if people where super
intelligent and had tons of time on their hands to do just this. Which is of
course completely infeasible.
But having AI it is very feasible. A person would then use
an AI, that would ask question and put the information into the fundamental
democracy system. The AI would be trusted by the person, and different persons
would not need to use the same AI. The AI would also suggest new laws if needed.
Then one or more AIs would calculate the law with the highest
probably to be stable, and suggest that. They should come to the same
conclusion, which will mean that the AI controlled by a person will change
accepted laws to follow. Given a stable solution.
Since the world is big and have different groupings, there
is no need that every body needs to agree to everything. The law can be divided
into jurisdictions, where different people are allowed to vote in different jurisdictions.
Or it can be the same people, who just want to isolate different parts of the
law. This make sense since some parts changes very slowly (freedom of the press),
and other very fast (financial laws).
One question on could ask is why fundamental democracy is
needed, when we already have existing democracies.
And there is really not much of an advantage compared to
representative democracy. You can use an AI to evaluate if politicians make
sense, and the politicians can use AI to do their daily job efficiently.
But it still make sense for existing democracies to
implement to put pressure on totalitarian states.
The big argument from the Chinese government why they don’t
want to implement democracy or freedom of the press, is that people not educated
enough and are also easily manipulated.
So if an AI driven democracy works those excuses are
But would such a system be implemented in current
democracies. The answer is probably yes, for two reasons. The first one is that
it is based on the fundamental power structures, so the best system for implementing
will win. The power and needs doesn’t change, just because a different system
is used.
This is in stark contrast to e-currency, where the system it
self creates a limited resource. Which means that anybody can just take that
code from a e-currency and create a new one.
The other reason is the system can be made in a non-enforced
mode. So people can accept the law from the fundamental democracy, but it has
no jurisdiction since an existing democracy is already implemented. But it can
generate the laws, and if the existing democracy find that the fundamental
democracy have generated sensible laws it can change.
Open Source renaissance
With AI software engineers open source will probably see a
big surge. At the moment you need to be extremely skilled to contribute to open
source. But if an AI can do all the complicated work, and individuals only have
to supply ideas and money, we will probably see a big transformation in this
space. The example from Devins homepage is also just how to run github code and
fix github issues.
Iterative neural network
To have an AI that is cheap and capable enough to run all of
the above, we probably need to make some improvements.
As previously written about, a smaller neural network can be
made, that uses a big prompt, instead of relying on all information being in
the LLM. This can be improved by having the neural network be queried many
times for generating a single token. We could call this recursive neural
network or repeating neural network, but both of these are too similar to recurrent
neural network. So I just call it iterative neural network to differentiate.
But the idea is that it keeps some state between runs, and
use that to decide which part of the neural network to run. This means that the
neural network will be much better at logical thinking. What part of the neural
network that will be rerun, is of course part of the end-to-end training.
So we need to balance how much to put in the prompt, how big
the neural network and what it knows, is and how many times we query it.
The last piece needed is to change it into a reinforcement learning problem. This is quite easy, since we just need to be able to create training data with question/answers.
If such an AI can be made, it will outperform existing LLMs by
a high margin.
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